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Kindred Spirit Collection

Dark Kindred Spirits

English, French, Japanese, Chinese

Regular price $15
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Kindred Spirit cards have been crafted using three layers of delicate paper to recreate the feeling of a small booklet. The outside layer of this 3-ply card is made of soft cotton accented with pearl foil, while the husk-colored inner layer has been left blank to give you as much or as little space as you desire to write about your favorite moments. In-between the two is a soft, semi-transparent layer reminding you to savor the small and big moments.

The presence of multiple layers makes this letter card perfect for a fulsome note, or exchanging shorter letters within the same card. It can also be used to capture the heartfelt words of several friends and family, as each page offers the space for individual thoughts and wishes. Use our Kindred Spirit card to write a collective letter during special occasions, or enjoy it for private correspondence with your own Kindred Spirit. 

Our dark green pine version is a nod to the nighttime beauty of the Northern Lights. Using a combination of colorful dyes, soft paper and luminescent ink, this card is a treat for anyone who enjoys leafing through the pages. 


Each order includes one card and one mailing envelope. An optional keepsake storage envelope can be added to the purchase. Please visit our Gifting page to learn more about our keepsake storage envelope.

Languages & Translations

Kindred Spirit cards are available in combinations of English (EN) and French (FR), English (EN) and Chinese (CH), or English (EN) and Japanese (JP). (EN) English-only cards are also available.

(EN) For Kindred Spirits: Send your Kindred Spirit a card to savor the small and big moments. Best written while savoring a cup of tea yourself.

(FR) Pour les personnes chères: Envoyez cette carte à une personne chère pour savourer les petits comme les grands moments. A écrire en savourant une tasse de thé.

(CH) 請寫給你志同道合的伙伴: 用這張卡片記錄你們共同經歷的瞬間,一起品味這杯人生之茶的澀與甜.

(JP) 大切な人に: 一緒に過ごした時を思い出しながら、想いを綴りましょう。お茶を楽しみながら書くのがおすすめです.


160 mm x 115 mm (6.3" in x 4.5" in)


We offer efficient and economic domestic shipping that arrives within 2-5 business days to most destinations within the U.S.

International shipping is available for Canada, UK, France, Hong Kong and Taiwan. International deliveries typically arrive within 5-10 business days.

Please visit our FAQ page for more details on shipping methods, costs and delivery times or contact us at with any questions.

"Touch" The Sky

Forest green dye was applied to white cotton paper several times to achieve striking hues. While the cotton paper feels feathery upon touch, we chose thin paper that was just barely thick enough to handle the pressure of a gold hot plate, allowing us to "touch" the stars. The process reminds us of the powerful canvas that paper naturally is.

Inspired By Handwriting

We think fonts are a great source of beauty and chose Latin and non-Latin fonts that reminded us of handwritten correspondence. EB Garamond is a ubiquitous, classic-style font that often conjures handwriting influences. Kaiti is a Mandarin, calligraphic typeface made up of curves and resembles handwritten form used in traditional correspondence. The pairing of two different font systems achieve the same purpose - to inspire us to put our own pen to paper.

Collectable Memory

We want you to remember the joy you brought someone by sending them a YS Note, which is one of the reasons we designed an optional 3/8-inch storage envelope for you to preserve your own letters and notes. Each time you purchase a YS Note, you have the option to purchase a keepsake storage envelope that you can enjoy and reuse. As you send more YS Notes, you'll find yourself with your own collection of beautiful storage keepsakes, a reminder of all the times you let someone know you were thinking of them. The possibilities of what you keep and how you arrange them are endless. Visit our keepsake storage envelope page for more details.