The Year of Shoebox Retirement

The Year of Shoebox Retirement

2024 is the year to brush the dust bunnies off your old card shoebox and put the contents proudly on your bookshelf. 

Happy New Year! After a festive and restful close to the year, we're glad to be easing back into the new year with renewed energy. This month, we'll be organizing some of the cards and thoughtful updates sent to us over the holidays in a way that preserves and recycles these gifts. 

Our YS Notes keepsake envelopes were designed to be more than just a delightful unwrapping experience; they were designed as a way to appreciate the longevity of beautiful paper and notes that people have given us. After sending out our own YS Notes, we like the envelopes to proudly display on our bookshelf the other letters and cards that people have sent us. By using your keepsake envelope to store mementos (including postcards from friends abroad!), you reuse and recycle the materials that went into the creation of your YS Note, while also displaying memorabilia that deserves attention and care. 

Another way we like to appreciate the longevity of our notes is to use the same Kindred Spirit card to write back and forth with our friends and loved ones. With more than four pages of space in this three-ply booklet, we find it fun to bring back the pen pal or telegram days by writing inside the same card and mailing it after each reply. The booklets are a natural way to preserve and capture a moment in time. 

For the gift wrapping and paper that we no longer need, but know is too pretty to go to waste, we love the idea of cutting them up into smaller pieces and putting them into simple envelopes to use for creative projects later this year, or donating them to local art classrooms. It helps us keep in mind this year that a little bit of creativity can go a long way.  

*This post was originally published in our January 2024 newsletter. To directly receive our monthly inspirations for writing with joy, subscribe here.

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